Humming birdAnimals that use fluttering flight, such as hummingbirds and dragonflies, can fly backwards.Dragonflies and hummingbird are among the animals that can fly backwards.

SNAKES 33In Southern Africa, snakebite is a reality that many people have to deal with. There are over 170 different types of snakes in the region and of them, about 20 are potentially deadly. In the region of 7,000 snakebites are recorded annually, with close on 50 fatalities.

pugs.jpg Force meets the Dark side"When drugs are given to pets, either orally or injected, the number one organ that's affected is the skin,"

bigstock American crow 24582695 300x199Many birds have remarkable abilities, far greater than has been considered possible with their small brains. Songbirds are a large category of thousands of species of birds that have advanced vocal learning ability, similar to humans.

tarantulaA tarantula has never been documented to have killed a human, because the spider’s venom has not been found to be deadly. If a person gets bitten by a tarantula, the bite could result in pain similar to a bee sting, as well as swelling, a rapid heartbeat and muscle cramps.

Tarantulas are large and furry, and their appearance — as well as their portrayal in films and other media — is what is thought to be why they have the reputation that makes many people fearful of them.